Michael Lukamto
LLB (Hons), University of Exeter
Michael is an Associate Director of Joo Toon LLC. He graduated with an LL.B. from the Exeter University in 2017 and was called to the Singapore Bar in 2020. Prior to this, he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management in 2013. Michael’s practice focuses on commercial law and civil disputes. Michael has expertise and experience in litigation and mediation in the type of cases undertaken by us.
The matters that Michael has worked on include:
in a Court of Appeal case with regard to an appeal against an Order for committal whereby judicial mercy was exercised;
in a trial in the State Courts in a claim by an employer against ex-employees who incorporated a competing business;
in a defamation suit between neighbours of a strata-titled property which was mediated successfully privately between the parties;
in a financial / investment dispute involving a major bank which was mediated successfully by a Senior Judge of the Supreme Court;
in a minority oppression case under 216A Companies Act for breaches of Director’s duties and confidentiality and in the execution of an Anton Piller Order;
in a claim for passing off and trademark infringement involving a large multinational company;
in a trial in the Family Justice Courts in a dispute by a sibling over a will which did not provide for him and the other siblings as beneficiaries;
in a trial in the State Courts in a claim for defamation by a tutor against another tutor for defamatory statements made in social media;
in a trial in the High Court in a claim for loss of investments made in respect of properties in Brazil;
in a mediation before a Senior Counsel in a claim by a company against its former Directors / employees over the misappropriation of funds in the course of business;
in a trial in the Family Court in an application for a personal protection order against a family member for domestic violence;
in a trial in the State Courts in a claim by a director and shareholder in a family company dispute in which personal expenses were offset against the director’s fees; and
in a trial in the State Courts in a claim for breaches of fiduciary duties by the deputy chairman of an association against whom allegations were made concerning rates of transportation and the bidding process.